Support Center

Add Invoice

Here’s how to add your invoice to your online survey on the Lanla website:

  1. Send a photo of your invoice to your own email address.
  2. Open your emails on your computer and download the photo (attached to the email).

Here is an example in Outlook:

Add Invoice: DOWNLOAD

Once downloaded, your document will appear in your file explorer.

  1. Open your file explorer.

On your computer, the file explorer has this icon:

  1. Open the “Downloads” tab.
  2. Locate your invoice in the files.
Add invoice: choose the file
  1. Go to the Lanla website
  2. Log in to your mystery shopper account.
  3. Click on “My Missions”
  4. Select the mission associated with the downloaded invoice.
  5. Click on “Fill out the questionnaire”.

The first question of the questionnaire should be the invoice question. For example:

Add the file
  1. Click on “Add a file”.

A new window will appear, allowing you to select the desired file on your computer.

  1. Select the downloaded invoice.
  2. Click on “Open”.
Add invoice: choose the file
  1. Your invoice is now added to your questionnaire, and you can click “Next” to proceed to the following questions.